With increasing numbers of positive COVID-19 cases rising daily, and increasing hospital admission and exposure rates, many healthcare providers are faced with the reality of treating or admitting COVID-19 cases, often with limited access to testing. There is therefore a need to rapidly educate Clinicians and health workers on the medical management of this condition.
People to People, Inc. (P2P) and Anadach Group hereby invite you to participate in the third session of our webinar series “Effective Public Health Measures including leveraging technology - Experience from several countries”, drawing from countries earlier affected in the pandemic than most African countries. The goal of this webinar is to share clinical and management experience, and create a platform for healthcare professionals to interact on clinical management and related matters across several areas. Given that the clinical experience during the COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, it is important that clinicians are aware of the best ways to protect themselves and their patients during the pandemic.
The clinical spectrum of COVID-19 varies from asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic forms, to clinical conditions characterized by respiratory failure that may necessitate mechanical ventilation and support in an ICU, to multi-organ and systemic manifestations in terms of sepsis, septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction syndromes (MODS).
In response to COVID-19, countries around the world have put in place a range of public health and social measures, which are actions by individuals, institutions, communities, local and national governments, and international bodies, to suppress or stop community spread of COVID-19.
However, the implementation and results of such measures have varied by country. Some countries were able to rapidly curtail the spread of COVID-19 within weeks and significantly limit the impact of disease to few deaths e.g. New Zealand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mauritius while several others have struggled with controlling the disease.
In several countries, cases of abuse increased and concerns about social development and longer-term impact of learning outcomes intensified – even in countries with widespread availability to virtual learning. Several countries have had different approaches to return to schooling (a few countries never shutdown). As the new school year approaches in several African countries – the issue of having children and youth return to school safely is an increasingly important issue. Reopening colleges and universities during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic poses a special challenge worldwide.
Our series of webinars will cover issues of interest to physicians, nurses, other healthcare workers and management involved in directly managing COVID-19 cases in their respective countries. Most of the specialists practicing outside Africa also have experience in medical practice in at least one African country.
Please register to participate. And do share with relevant colleagues. Thank you.
Recording of previous webinars and presentations are available at:
Special Guest
Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate, Global Director, Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank/ Director, Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF)
Distinguished Speaker
Hon. Keith Martin MD, PC, Executive Director, Consortium of Universities for Global Health
Dr. Tran Anh Tu, Communicable Diseases Control Dept., National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Hanoi Vietnam
Dr. Godfrey Sikipa, Chief Executive Officer, COMPRE Health Services, and Member of the Presidential Advisory Council to the President of Zimbabwe
Dr. Olaolu Aderinola, COVID-19 Incident Manager and Coordinator of National Emergency Operations Center, Nigeria
Mr. Morewane, National Department of Health Chief Director: Primary Healthcare and National Coordinator of South Africa's anti-COVID-19 Programme (TBC)
Dr. Yonas Goda, Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, Mayo Clinic, USA
Hon. Keith Martin MD, PC,Founding Executive Director of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health
(CUGH), based in Washington, DC
Prof. Girma Tefera, MD, FACS, Chair, Division of Vascular Surgery and Vice Chair of Global Surgery, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dr. Busola Shonowo, Senior Associate, Anadach Consulting
1.00 – 1.10 pm: Welcome/Introduction of Special Guests– Anadach/P2P
1.10 – 1.25 pm: Opening Remarks:Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate, Global Director, Health, Nutrition and Population, Director, Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF)
1.25 – 1.35 pm: Distinguished Speaker - Hon. Keith Martin MD, PC
1:35 – 1:45 pm: Keeping the Public Safe- the Vietnam Experience - Dr. Tran Anh Tu
1:45 – 1:55 pm: Addressing Public Health Issues and Flattening the Curve – Zimbabwe - Dr. Godfrey Sikipa, Download presentations
1.55 – 2.10 pm: Interactive Discussion including questions from the audience Moderated by Prof. Girma Tefera
2:10 – 2:20 pm: Experience from addressing Public Health issues in Nigeria - Dr. Olaolu Aderinola
2.20 – 2.30 pm: Lessons from South Africa - Mr. Morewane
2:30 – 2:40 pm: Understanding Mental Health Crisis linked to COVID19 - Dr. Yonas Goda
2.40 – 3.00 pm: Interactive Discussion including questions from the audience Moderated by Dr. Busola Shonowo
3.00 – 3.05 pm: Thanks/Future Announcements - Anadach/P2P

Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate
Special Guest
HMuhammad Ali Pate is the Global Director, Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP)
Global Practice of the World Bank and the Director of Global Financing Facility for
Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF), based in Washington DC. Dr. Pate, a U.S.
and Nigerian national, was until recently the Chief Executive Officer of Big Win
Philanthropy, based in the UK, and prior to that held several senior positions, including that of Minister of State for Health in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He was previously in the World Bank Group where he joined as a Young Professional in 2000 and worked on health issues in several regions including Africa and the East Asia and Pacific. Dr. Pate is an MD trained in both Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, with an MBA from Duke University. Prior to this he studied at the University College London. He also has a Masters in Health System Management from the London School of Hygiene&Tropical Medicine, UK.

Dr. Tran Anh Tu
Tran Anh Tu currently works as an epidemiologist at regional level in the National
Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE), Vietnam. He had his medical degree in
Preventive Medicine in 2013 from the Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. He also
obtained his Masters' degree in Public Health/Health Development from the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Working as an epidemiologist for the past seven years, his main tasks have been to
monitor, manage and analyze data of communicable diseases transferred from lower
levels, as well as to generate reports for decision making in prevention and control. He also has experience in risk assessment of emerging diseases such as Avian influenza H7N9, Ebola, MERS-CoV. Recently, Tran began contributing towards establishing the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) at regional level in NIHE, using high technology to support outbreak, early detection and response. The vision is to build a data warehouse to defragment current data as well as to gradually transform them from paper to digital. He hopes this upgrade would bring better risk assessment and a more responsive response.

Dr. Godfrey Sikipa
Dr. Sikipa is a physician with a post-graduate qualification in Maternal and Child Health (MCH). He worked at various levels of the Zimbabwean health system from junior hospital clinician rising through the ranks at District, Province and National levels ending as Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Health. Godfrey is the Founder and currently Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Senior Technical Advisor of Compre Health Services, a private health consulting and service delivery company registered in Zimbabwe and based in Harare. He is the immediate past chairman of the
Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals Management Board. Dr. Sikipa has been involved in
the COVID response in Zimbabwe in different capacities.
As a member of the Zimbabwe College of Public Health Physicians (ZCPHP) that has
supported the Ministry of Health in the development of national guidelines on
Quarantine/Isolation of in-coming travelers. Participated in Technical discussions of the national response to COVID 19. In addition, as a Member of the Presidential Advisory Council to the President of Zimbabwe have participated in development of High Level Advisories to the President on various issues around COVID 19.He is a Current member of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group (TERG) of the Governing Board of the Geneva-based Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. In addition, he wide global experience, having worked in various senior-level leadership and management positions leading multinational, multicultural teams in both developed and developing countries.

Dr. Olaolu Aderinola
Dr. Olaolu Aderinola graduated from the University of Ilorin Medical School in January
He joined the Federal Ministry of Health, in September 2006 and worked in three
departments, Hospital Services, Public Health and Family Health cutting across clinical and public health. He obtained his Master's degree programme in 2013 at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria through the Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Programme (NFELTP) and graduated in January 2016. During his NFELTP training, he worked as a Public Health Event investigator and outbreak investigator and was part of the 2014 Ebola response in Nigeria.
Dr. Olaolu was posted to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control in April 2017 from the
Federal Ministry of Health and assigned to the Department of Health Emergency
Preparedness and Response to head the Response Division. He has served in various
capacities including the Incident Manager for the 2017/2018 meningitis outbreak
season. He led Nigeria’s Coronavirus Preparedness Group at the NCDC before the
COVID-19 outbreak. He is currently the National Incident Manager of the COVID-19
response at the NCDC. He is a fellow of Public Health Emergency Management
programme of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,

Dr. Keith Martin
Dr. Keith Martin is the founding Executive Director of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH), based in Washington, DC.
From 1993-2011 he served 6 terms as a Member of Parliament in Canada’s House of Commons, holding shadow ministerial portfolios in foreign affairs, international development, and health. He has been on numerous diplomatic missions to areas in crisis, particularly in Africa. His primary areas of interest are foreign policy, global health, international development, conservation and the environment. As a parliamentarian he founded Canada’s first all-party Conservation Caucus, a platform that connected leading environmental and conservation scientists with policymakers.
He has authored more than 180 published editorial pieces and book chapters and has appeared frequently as a commentator on television and radio.

Mr. Ramphelane Morewane
Ramphelane Morewane is currently the Chief Director at the National District Health Systems, South Africa. He is a health expert with qualifications in Dental Therapy, Strategic Leadership as well as Hospital Management. He also has a Masters' Degree in Development Policy and Planning.
As Chief Director in Primary and National Healthcare, he coordinates the development of District health plans for 52 districts in the country, towards the ideal hospital framework programme, which is aligned to the National Core Standards of the Office of Health Standards Compliance. His tasks include managing and coordinating the District Health systems in the anti-COVID-19 programme. He plays a significant role in ensuring the capacity of private and public hospital facilities, monitoring the hospital utilisation as well as the supply of oxygen, coordination and distribution of health technology, and monitoring the operationalization of field hospitals within the districts.
Anadach Group LLC is a healthcare strategic consulting firm focusing on providing innovative advice and services to clients and partners interested in transforming healthcare systems in emerging markets and developing economies. Our mission is to dramatically improve access to quality healthcare services and products in emerging countries by enhancing the solutions to major challenges facing healthcare.
People to People (P2P) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care and reducing the spread of diseases, particularly in Ethiopia and in diaspora communities. P2P works to mobilize the global Ethiopian diaspora to play an active role in mitigating the impact of brain drain and to ignite a passion for realizing our shared responsibility to give back. Equipped with innovative ideas, valuable transnational networks, knowledge & expertise, strong values, and new technological skills, our network stands ready to take on many of the challenges facing communities and institutions in Ethiopia and elsewhere. There are currently more than 5,000 P2P members worldwide, including doctors and other professionals who strive to make a difference in the lives of others. P2P also holds consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESCO).