Integrating m-Health into e-Health Strategy Implementation
e-Health Africa Conference
18 - 19 April 2012
InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
e-Health Africa Conference 2012 >> Speakers >> Andrew Wyborn

Andrew Wyborn
Managing Director, Greenmash
Andrew is the public face of greenmash a UK based software and services organisation. greenmash provides and supports the technical platform for a growing number of health programs across sub-Saharan Africa including the SMS for Life program in Kenya, Ghana and the DRC.This program is helping to address the issue of stock-outs in health facilities using the greenmash platform known as mango.The greenmash platform known as mango is industrial strength, scalable and highly configurable. mango is typically deployed as a service which includes hosting, security, back up, support and maintenance leaving the client free to concentrate on the management of the health system
Health Information Systems