e-Health Africa Conference 2012 >> Advisory Board Members >> Dr. Khama Rogo
Dr. Khama Rogo
Lead Health Specialist, Investment Climate Department, World Bank Group
Dr. Khama Rogo is Lead Health Sector Specialist with the World Bank and Head of the World Bank Group's Health in Africa Initiative. Prior to his WB career, he taught Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Nairobi, before becoming the Vice President of Medical Affairs Africa for Ipas. A native of Kenya, Prof Rogo received his MD and M.MED from the University of Nairobi and earned a Fellowship and PhD in Gynecologic Oncology in Sweden. A prominent advocate and global authority on reproductive health issues, he is a visiting professor at several universities and author of over 100 papers and book chapters. He has been a consultant to WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, USAID, and DFID, and advisor to many other bilateral and unilateral international organizations. Prof. Rogo is past president of the Kenya Medical Association and Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. He was also the chairman of Kenya's National Council for Population and Development, and served on the Gender Advisory Panel of WHO, the Advisory Committee of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the board of the Center for African Family Studies. He is currently on the board of INTRAHEALTH, among other responsibilities.
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